
Fraud alert: Impersonation scams continue to soar in 2021

Quilter is warning people to stay alert to the risk of impersonation fraud, and has published a new video on its ‘Stay Safe’ webpage to provide customers, advisers and the wider public with tips on avoiding such scams.


Evidencing Effectiveness

This rapidly evolving environment is being driven by international standard setters that are now assessing regulators on much more than pure legislative architecture.


Article 28 GDPR Processor SCCS

Where a data processor carries out processing on behalf of a data controller, Article 28 of GDPR requires the parties to enter into a written agreement


SA Bitcoin brother: 'Only' R71 million is missing

The statement on Monday from the lawyers came just two days after their first public defence of the brothers who'd been accused of vanishing along with an estimated $3.6 billion (R51 billion) in Bitcoin from their Africrypt investment platform.