
Share-Capital Reductions in Ireland

Where a director makes the above declaration without reasonable grounds, certain parties (including creditors or liquidators) may apply to court to hold directors who made the declaration personally liable for all or any of the company’s debts.


Points to note from TPR’s Climate Change Strategy

The vast majority of schemes, big and small, are already required to report on how they incorporate financially material factors (including ESG) into their investment strategy and on their stewardship activities.


Investment Limited Partnerships 101 (Part 2)

The ability to establish an ILP as an umbrella fund provides additional flexibility for managers that are considering setting up funds with differing investment strategies.


Trends in Sustainable Finance Disclosures

The primary aim of the SFDR is to ensure that investors are equipped to make a reasoned decision in a transparent market with the hope that capital flows will ultimately be rerouted to sustainable investments.