
Mourant Trusts Forums 2022

Attendees heard discussions on whether traditional trust structures were still fit for purpose in the modern era and discussions on panellists' experiences with fund-like and collective investment vehicles in a private client context.


Guernsey legal and regulatory update June 2022

Together with the Guernsey Green Fund, this new designation would allow Guernsey funds a choice of complementary sustainability designations based on globally agreed environmental standards.


Nigel Green fined and banned for five years in South Africa

The investigation revealed that Brite which was formerly known as deVere Investments South Africa (Pty) Limited, and deVere SA Acuma (Pty) Ltd, during the period 22 February 2010 to 1 August 2015 contravened various financial sector laws.


FCA Review of AML failings at challenger banks

The use of innovative technology and non-traditional methods of identity verification (such as passport photo images and video selfies) have enabled customers to be onboarded quickly.


DWF strikes Hong Kong affiliation agreement

Hauzen has five partners and one of-counsel, specialising in financial services regulation, contentious insurance and complex commercial matters, and arbitration.


Addleshaw Goddard: Financial Services & Banking News

The FCA is continuing its discussion on how it can make the listing regime, the rules companies must follow to be allowed to list their shares in the UK, more effective, easier to understand and more competitive.


Financial Services & Banking News

The FCA has also published the Grid in the form of an interactive dashboard and an Excel spreadsheet to help users interact with the underlying data.