
Ireland to introduce the right to request remote working

The Bill is expected to be finalised and implemented later this year, with plans to develop a code of practice to provide guidance to employers, employees and their representatives on the general principles that apply.


MiFID - ESMA consults on opinion on the trading venue perimeter

ESMA also reiterates the position it stated in the Final Report that a system that “pre-arranges" transactions for execution on a trading venue is not itself multilateral, now taking the view that the pre-arranging firm acts as 'an extensi


Financial Regulation Daily Update

The letter sets out the FCA's expectations of insurers and insurance intermediaries as part of the wider industry, including with regard to consideration of leaseholders.


Financial Services & Banking News

The technical standards aim to ensure that stakeholders are well-informed about institutions’ ESG exposures, risks, and strategies and can make informed decisions and exercise market discipline.