
Snapshot: Section 175 of the BVI Business Companies Act

An example of this wide ranging power is that, subject to a company's memorandum and articles of association (M&A), directors can generally approve the sale of assets by a BVI company without the need for member approval.


When dynasties crumble: how to (re)build your family

Having access to advice around the clock is pivotal in these situations, to ensure matters are dealt with in a timely manner and to put a stop to any untoward actions by disgruntled family members.


The Benefits of Independent Liquidations in the Netherlands

Without the formal appointment of a liquidator in the Netherlands, a company will enter the Turbo Liquidation process, which is similar to a 'strike-off' in other jurisdictions, raising potential personal liability issues for directors.


People central to future of real estate

But while many aspects of our working habits have been forced to change and evolve into a ‘new normal’, one truism endures – that people remain central to the future of the real estate industry.