Australia to increase civil penalties for breaches of competition and consumer law
The Bill also proposes amending the CCA to broaden the application of the unfair contract term (UCT) provisions.
The Bill also proposes amending the CCA to broaden the application of the unfair contract term (UCT) provisions.
Clare Francis of Pinsent Masons said that constant planning and review was required to allow businesses to adapt to external changes.
The chancellor said £40bn would be raised over the next six years through the revised energy profits levy
She added: “Expectations on the impact on insurer pricing were mixed, with some positive but others not expecting prices to reduce. The cut is not expected to have any significant impact on insurers’ appetite to reinsure longevity risk.”
The UK is seen leading the way in its efforts to protect children online
Account management lacked active oversight and robust control processes and automated transaction monitoring and data capabilities were insufficient
This compares negatively to the average 2.8% productivity growth across the period for the whole UK economy, and the 3.9% growth seen in manufacturing specifically.
Organisations should now review their existing data transfer arrangements and develop an action plan for transitioning to the New SCCs before the December 2022 deadline.
Under state insurance law, “control” of an insurer is presumed to exist if a person directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds with the power to vote 10% or more of the voting securities of the insurer.
A multidisciplinary deal team represents the business information services provider.
The ESAs has announced a delay in its review of PAI indicators and SFDR financial product disclosures.
The LMA guidance suggests that KPIs should be 'relevant, core and material to the borrower’s overall business
The TPT is comprised of representatives from across business, academia, civil society, government and regulators. It is tasked with developing standards in relation to net zero transition plans under the government’s broader green finance roadmap.
Brand and marketing experts at Pinsent Masons have warned of an increased burden on businesses to be clear about the claims they are making.
EU law has had a profound impact on the UK legal system relating to IP, including harmonisation around trade mark, design and copyright law.
EZAs were valuable deductions from corporation tax or income tax for expenditure incurred in specified zones intended to encourage development and regeneration where there might otherwise not have been.
The financial regulatory body considers that the duty supports and strengthens its goal of seeing customers and customer outcomes at the heart of a firm’s business. It views payment services as having a crucial role in this.
The new suite of guidance comes after a CMA investigation identified concerns that some social media influencers were not clearly disclosing when they had been paid or incentivised to promote goods or services.
Blue finance refers to investment in projects which protect the ocean environment and help sustainable ocean economic activities.
Under article 27 of the GDPR, those controllers or processors must “designate in writing a representative in the Union”, subject to limited exceptions.