A problem that often arises in offshore practice is the need to take action against, or in the name of, a company that has been struck off or dissolved.
Individual investments are expected to range between £10 million and £25 million and provide significant scope for value enhancement through active asset management, including repositioning of properties and restructuring of leases.
The offering comprised a placement tranche of 18,696,000 shares and a public tranche of 3,000,000 shares, both of which were oversubscribed. The shares were offered at S$0.66 per share.
Subject to the offer becoming unconditional, PIF has agreed to subscribe for shares in Innovative Energy in order to provide Innovative Energy with the financing required to acquire the ADES Shares from ADES Shareholders who accept the offer.
HFW's team advising Chedid Capital comprised Costas Frangeskides, Alex Kyriakoulis, Nick Hutton, William Reddie, Daniel Li and Katherine Noble.
At the same time, Phoenix is reinforcing its strategic partnership with SLA by re-committing to a 10-year strategic asset management partnership, with Phoenix harnessing SLA’s expertise across a breadth of portfolio management and investment strateg
The team advises at every stage of company development across all corporate issues, from equity and debt fundraisings to M&A, IPOs and JVs.